
Flight Training Solutions

Euramec designs and develops highly customized, high-fidelity flight training devices, that are used in ab initio training, multi-crew training, jet orientation courses and procedure trainers (like FMS trainers). We also design and produce devices that can be used for recurrent training (operational proficiency checks / line proficiency checks). These devices can also be used to do part of type rating programs.

Solutions for “ab initio” flight training

Flight simulator solutions spanning the world of single- and twin engine piston aircraft.

Flight Training Devices built-to-spec in accordance with the customer’s requirements- usually type specific – and certifiable as EASA FNPT-II and FAA AATD, Level 4/5 and equivalent standards.

Affordable acquisition and low operating costs, built to last a lifetime. Euramec developed systems that accurately replicate popular training aircraft such as Cessna 172, Diamond Da-20/40/42, Piper Pilot 100i/Archer/Seminole, Tecnam P2006/P2010, Evolution VL3, etc.

Advanced training solutions for airlines and larger ATO’s

Training devices built to train airline pilots with features that go beyond certification standards.   Again, our systems are highly customized and ready for future regulation standards which makes them suitable to be used in type ratings and recurrent training. Our upcycling program converts original cockpits into simulators.

Certification to EASA FNPT-II/MCC/FTD1/FTD2 and FAA AATD/level 4/5/6/7.

Our designs include Full Motion Simulators, using 6 degrees-of-freedom motion platforms, which provide additional cueing that comes in useful in Upset Recognition and Recovery Training.

Euramec specializes in Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 families training devices, all built with converted original cockpits and accompanied by OEM data packs.

Our solutions are not limited to these popular aircraft, we built an extensive expertise in the design and construction of simulators for single and twin turboprop aircraft, such as the Cessna 208B Caravan and Dornier 228.
We like to undertake projects involving older aircraft models.

Military training solutions

Built-to-spec training devices for military training aircraft, equipped with piston- or turboprop engines.


We can provide these trainers with domes and semi-dome multichannel structures to have maximum field-of-views.   Although military trainers do usually not require civil certifications, we can design and build in line with EASA FNPT-II/FTD2 or FAA level AATD, level 4/5/6.

We can design highly-detailed airfields and airbases as requested by the customer. Euramec also provides procedure trainers, ingress-egress trainers for fast jet operations.   These systems can also make use of virtual- or mixed reality solutions, as well as dome or semi-dome projection systems.

Mission Training Devices

Deployable, immersive and cost-effective simulator systems to train the next generation of operators at point of need. EURAMEC provides comprehensive Armed Forces’ portfolio of Mission Training Devices in support of Collective Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS) around the world.

EO/IR sensor simulators

The “GIST” or Gimbal Imaging Simulation Trainer allows tactical flight officers to get acquainted and learn to master the sensor systems without being airborne.  

The system is fully scalable and comes with a high-fidelity replica of the respective Hand Controller Unit (HCU).  

Commonly simulated systems are MX-15/20 and Saphire/380 series. The system can be completed with a simulated mission and mapping system.    Scenarios can be created with the “SAF” system.

Full ISR simulation solutions

The EO/IR sensor simulator can be further expanded with simulated solutions for Radar, Electronic Warfare, Taco and Acoustics.   

We can replicate the operational section of ISR aircraft with various dedicated stations and include them into a fuselage section for maximum immersion.

Crew training solutions

By adding a scalable flight training device we can build a complete crew solution that allows to train and practice coordination between the flight crew and the tactical flight operators.

The section for the flight crew could be a simplified setup or a fully simulated cockpit (that could be equivalent to a certifiable flight training device).

Solutions exist for both rotary wing – and fixed wing crew.

Part task training solutions

Euramec undertakes projects that involve the simulation of particular training tasks.  

These may include air refueling operations, cabin-crew tasks, fire-fighting, ingress-egress training, hoisting operations and more.

Virtual Maintenance Training

Euramec supplies solutions for maintenance training, making us of virtual- and mixed reality technology.    Concepts include full depiction of the aircraft and aircraft parts, integration of lessons and maintenance manuals, exams, etc.   The solution is tailor made and can include a classroom setup with hardware that is either fixed or portable in order to be deployed at various locations.
Together with a partner company we support digitalizing efforts of manuals, processes, procedures and reporting.

Our Markets

  • Universities and Flight Colleges :  Customized (including reconfigurable) flight training devices that cater for the education needs
  • Specific Flight Simulators, fixed base or with full motion system, that can be certified under EASA FNPT-II/FTD1/FTD2 and FAA AAT/level4/level5/level6/level7 or equivalent standards. Devices can be designed and produced to be ready for the new upcoming certification regulations. Aviation Training Organizations (ATO’s) and airline training organizations.
  • Business Aviation : affordable, high-fidelity simulators that can be certified to a standard allowing the organization to conduct operational- and line proficiency checks in the device instead of a level D device or the real aircraft.
  • Military and Law Enforcement Training Organizations :  flight training devices for military trainers, procedure trainers and mission training systems for fast jet,  EO/IR sensor simulators, fully scalable ISR training solutions, crew training solutions including applications/parts for ISR/Search & Rescue/Hoisting and Air Refueling operations. Mission training devices can be developed for both rotary- and fixed wing aircraft
  • Aircraft OEMs : we build demonstrators for marketing and engineering purposes, develop the flight training devices and other training devices that may be necessary, virtual maintenance training solutions.